Hardiwinoto.com-Alam bawah sadar manusia sebagai masyarakat akan merasa tersinggung kalau dikatakan tradisional, primitive, atau stigma-stigma lain yang semakna, meskipun tampak menonjol berorientasi ke masa lalu dan kejayaannya, dengan bahasa nguri-nguri... Read more
Hardiwinoto.com-Agak sulit bagi saya menulis tentang mompreneur sukses dari pengalaman sendiri. Saya belum pernah suses berjualan. Percaya atau tidak, belasan kali membantu menjualkan dangan teman atau buku sendiri, selalu rugi.... Read more
hardiwinoto.com.VOC, MNC, dan WC (Hardiwinoto, 2016). Awal masa penjajahan, sekelompok pedagang Negeri Belanda bernama Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie (VOC) datang ke Nusantara. Mereka kemudian memonopoli perdagangan dan menguasai sumber daya alam.... Read more
hardiwinoto.com – Kublai Khan (1216-1294) was the grandson of Genghis Khan and founder of Mongol (Yuan) Dynasty. In China. He ruled over a large empire than any human being before... Read more
What is Research? Research can be described as a systematic and organized effort to investigate a specific problem that needs a solution. It is a series of steps designed and... Read more
Types of Research Research can be undertaken for two different purposes. One is to solve a currently existing problem in the work setting, the other is to add or contribute... Read more