Clue to the past

Clues to The Past

Geologist, or scientist who study the earth, say that the earth is more than 4 billion years old. Archaeologists, or scientist who study ancient people and civilizations, say that there... Read more
Business Research

Business Research

In business, research is usually primary conducted to resolve problematic issues in, or interrelated among, the areas of accounting, finance, management, and marketing. In accounting, budget control system, practices, and... Read more


Archaeology began about 500 years ago. At that time, many people found they could dig up old marble statues and ornaments made by the ancient Greeks and Romans and sell... Read more


In literature, a term meaning “a collection of flowers,” originally applied to a collection of poems or passages from poems chosen from the works of various authors. Later the term... Read more
An Overview of Macro Economy

An Overview of Macro Economy

People worry about love, the weather, and the economy, but not necessarily in that order. According to public-opinion polls, the economy is our foremost concern. Government deficits, taxes, unemployment, and... Read more