Data Collection

The Building Block of Science in Research can be designed to test some specific hypothesized predictions. For instance, studies have been done to find if controlling aversive noise in the environment increases the performance of individuals... Read more

What is Research?

What is Research? Research can be described as a systematic and organized effort to investigate a specific problem that needs a solution. It is a series of steps designed and... Read more

Types of Research

Types of Research Research can be undertaken for two different purposes. One is to solve a currently existing problem in the work setting, the other is to add or contribute... Read more

Introduction to Research – The foregoing messages forcefully communicate the importance of research for business and industry, as well as how vital it is to know how to do good research. Research is... Read more
Business Research

Business Research

In business, research is usually primary conducted to resolve problematic issues in, or interrelated among, the areas of accounting, finance, management, and marketing. In accounting, budget control system, practices, and... Read more