battle of badr

Battle of Badr, 2 Hijra 623) “And God did certainly assist you at Badr when you were weak, be careful your duty to God then, that you may give thanks” (13:122). Badr... Read more

Mompreneur sulit bagi saya menulis tentang mompreneur sukses dari pengalaman sendiri. Saya belum pernah suses berjualan. Percaya atau tidak, belasan kali membantu menjualkan dangan teman atau buku sendiri, selalu rugi.... Read more

Filsafat Auditing melihat fakta, filosof melihat pertanyaan di balik fakta. Bagi sebagian orang, auditing,  adalah kumpulan praktik, prosedur, metode dan teknik tanpa perlu dukungan teori. Mereka mempertanyakan, mengapa auditing berfilsafat, apa... Read more

Prehistoric Times experts believe that there have been people on earth for more 1,750,000 years. During most of those years, there was no written history because people did not develop the... Read more

Plato (427-347 BC) is an Athenian philosopher. Plato has been one of the most influential philosophers of all time. Benjamin Jowett, a translator of Plato’s work, once remarked that “the... Read more

Pilgrims, or the first of the puritans to come to New England, originally lived in southeastern England. Persecuted for their beliefs by the English king and the powerful churchmen he... Read more