Hardiwinoto.com-We need to be able to predict the consequences of alternative policies, and events that may be outside our controle. The tool we use to make such predictions is called a theory. A theory is of no use if its predictions are inaccurate. The theory of demand and supply is a example of an economic theory. It can be used to make predictions about the price and quantity of some commodity. In a free market economy, most economic decisions are guided by prices. Therefore, without a reliable theory of prices, you will get no where in economic analysis. click theory and prediction (demand and suply)
Miliki website sekolah dengan harga termurah, kuota terbatas. Klik di sini 🥳
Price Theory
Hardiwinoto Muchtar
Hardiwinoto adalah seorang peneliti ekonomi, dosen, kolomnis, dan pegiat sosial. Kegiatan yang dilakukan terkait dengan koleksi buku-buku ilmu pengetahuan, ekonomi, politik, sastra dan sejarah.
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